Monday, September 24, 2012

Chuck E. Cheese Night

Chimney Lakes Elementary
Chuck E Cheese Night

Tuesday September 25th
3:00 PM-9:00 PM
(Youngerman Circle)
Be Sure to  Sign the Poster
The class with the most participation wins a Pizza Party! 
A portion of the proceeds goes to support our school

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Volunteer Orientation

Chimney Lakes Elementary 
Volunteer Orientation
Wednesday September 12th
9:00 AM or 6:00 PM

Come and learn about volunteer opportunities available here at Chimney Lakes.
We love, appreciate and NEED our volunteers!
How can you help?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fall Fundraiser

It's that time of year again! We have officially kicked off our Fall Fundraiser. We are selling frozen food and cookie dough as well as Yankee Candle. These make great holiday gift ideas for family and friends, as well as help out our school.

We use the profits for many things such as:

  • Student Planners
  • PE Play Day
  • CLE's Annual International Culture Fair
  • Teacher and Staff Appreciation
  • Red Ribbon "Say NO to Drugs" Week
  • Report Card Ribbons and End of Year certificates and awards
  • Math Superstars Program
  • FCAT incentives for all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students
  • BooHoo Breakfast for our kindergarten parents
These are just a few of the programs within the school the PTA helps fund. So if you are able, please support the fundraiser!

Packets and money are due back to the PTA on Monday September 10th. (Please makes checks payable to Chimney Lakes Elementary PTA) Items purchased will be available for pick up on Tuesday, October 23rd from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the multi-purpose room at the school. Thank you for your participation!

Friday, August 24, 2012

3rd-5th Grade Open House

Just a Reminder.......
3rd-5th Grade Open House
Tuesday August 28, 2012
7:00-8:00 PM
If you have more than one student in a different grade there will be two sessions held. The first session will be from 7:00-7:30 PM and the second session will be from 7:30-8:00 PM. Come and meet your child's teacher and learn what will be going on in their classroom this year.
Stop by the PTA table to ask questions and join the PTA. We will also have information on various volunteer opportunities with events held this school year. We look forward to meeting you!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

DOUBLE Recycle Bucks for Box Tops

It is time to turn in all of the Box Tops you have been saving ALL summer!

From now until August 24th, any Box Top turned in will receive DOUBLE recycle bucks from Mrs. Gordon (our PE Coach).

(Sample Recycle Buck)

Recycle Bucks are the currency used in the recycle shop. The recycle shop will be opening soon on Tuesdays this year. Students get to "shop" for small, fun, new items with their Recycle Bucks as a reward for helping to save the planet. Recycle Bucks are earned by sending in recyclable items such as soda cans, newspaper, etc. They are also given for Box Tops for Education.

For the next few days students will receive 2 recycle bucks for every 1 Box Top. Please make sure you send the Box Tops clearly marked with your child's name, grade, and teacher so we can give proper credit.

Don't wait, this ends on August 24th!

Thanks Mrs. Gordon for partnering with PTA!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Welcome Back

We are so excited for another great school year here at Chimney Lakes Elementary. There will be so many amazing things going on this year, so be sure to check back often. Just a reminder that school starts promptly at 8:30 am on Monday August 20th. Be sure your child gets a good night’s rest and a great breakfast so they can come ready to learn on the first day!
 See you there Cheetah's!

To All Kindergarten Parents

Thursday, April 19, 2012

PTA Proposed Slate of Officers 2012-2013

The Nominating Committee Proposes the following Slate of Officers for the 2012-2013 School Year:

President- Deborah Stebbins
1st VP Programs- Tia McDaniel
2nd VP Membership- Rowen Manalang
3rd VP Ways and Means- Shelley McCullough
Treasurer- Karen Barber
Recording Secretary- Lori Jolley

These will be voted on by our general membership on Thursday April 26th at 6:30 PM
Our Chimney Lakes Chorus will be performing afterward.

Any questions please call the PTA at 573-1100 ext 2057

Monday, April 16, 2012

PE Play Day

PE Dr. Seuss Play Day
Friday April 27th, 2012
8:30 am- 2:15 pm

PTA is looking for volunteers to help out on this day. Coach Gordon will start set-up at 7:30 am and the event will go all day. She is even in need of clean up volunteers on Monday April 30th. Watch for the volunteer sheets to come home and give some of your time if you are able. All Day will be provided with lunch furnished by PTA.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

PTA General Meeting


Thursday April 26th
6:30 PM
Multi-Purpose Room

Come and hear our amazing school choir!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

PTA Spring Carnival

Come One Come All To: 

Pony Rides
Petting Zoo
Train Rides
Face Painting
Booths and Games
Cake Walk
Silent Auction
and so much more!

Saturday March 3rd from 11:00 am-3:00pm
9353 Staples Mill Drive

Tickets 0.25 (everything 1-4 tickets)
Unlimited Wrist Bands $12.00**
(*everything EXCEPT Cake Walk and Concessions)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Box Tops DUE!

Box Tops Due Friday February 24th!

Remember to send them in to help our school!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Chimney Lakes PTA is Sponsoring a Spring Carnival to be held on Saturday March 3rd from 11 am-3:00pm. This is going to be a great event for families to come and spend some fun time together. There will be:

Pony Rides
Petting Zoo
Train Rides
Booths and Games
Cake Walk
Silent Auction
and so much more!

Everything will cost from 1-4 tickets and they will be sold the day of the event for 0.25 a piece. We are having a presale on wristbands which will be good for unlimited access EXCEPT the cake walk and concessions. These will be sold until Friday February 24th for $10.00. The day of the event they will be sold for $12.00.

So send in your order form and get yours today!

PTA General Meeting

Kindergarten Valentines Performance
Thursday February 16th
6:30 PM
Multi-Purpose Room

Don't miss this adorable play!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Valentines Candy Grams

PTA is selling Valentines Candygrams to give to your child, or they can give to their friends and family.

There are three different options:

Chocolate Lips for $1.00

Rainbow Hearts for 0.50

 Single Box of Nerds 0.25

They will be on sale February 6th-February 10th while supplies last. They will be delivered on Tuesday February 14th.

Don't miss this fun way to let your child know how much you love them!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

IHOP Spirit Night

Chimney Lakes Spirit Night

IHOP on 103rd Street
Tuesday February 7th
4:00 PM-9:00 PM

Free Ice Cream Sundae Bar for the Kids
Face Painting

IHOP is  a major business partner in our upcoming spring carnival and will be donating a portion of tonight's proceeds to the school.

Please come and enjoy a fun family evening!

7940 103rd St

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mini Magnet Mania

All 4th and 5th Grade Parents

Transition to Middle School Night

Thursday February 2nd 6:30-8:00 PM

There will be Representatives from our feeder school Jefferson Davis Middle School.
Also Represented will be the Magnet Middle Schools of : Kirby Smith, Darnell Cookman, LaVilla School of the Arts, Julia Landon, James Weldon Johnson and Lakeshore Middle School.

Busing companies of  Student Transportation of America and Durham Busing will be there as well to answer any questions about transportation.

Come and learn about these great Middle School options for your student!