Thursday, August 18, 2011

Welcome Back!

PTA has been at school all pre-planning week. There is a lot of busy  and exciting energy in getting ready for all the children to come back to school. We have been busy stuffing student packets, faculty packets, and sponsoring  "Back to School" breakfasts for all the faculty and staff here at Chimney Lakes. We are excited to meet all of our new kindergarten friends at Kindergarten Open House tomorrow, and everyone else at Open House in a few weeks.

We are looking forward to another great year. Please sign up (at the top of the right side bar) for our free e-newsletters that will be sent monthly. These will be full of great information about upcoming PTA and school events.

Our first PTA event will be the "Kindergarten Boo-Hoo Breakfast" for all of our new kindergarten parents. It will be held in the Teachers Lounge, right next to the cafeteria. It will  run from the time after you drop off your kindergartner until about 9:30  a.m.. Come for a light breakfast and meet some of your fellow kindergarten parents. The PTA Board will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about Chimney Lakes. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Check back often to see what is going on with PTA.