Thursday, April 19, 2012

PTA Proposed Slate of Officers 2012-2013

The Nominating Committee Proposes the following Slate of Officers for the 2012-2013 School Year:

President- Deborah Stebbins
1st VP Programs- Tia McDaniel
2nd VP Membership- Rowen Manalang
3rd VP Ways and Means- Shelley McCullough
Treasurer- Karen Barber
Recording Secretary- Lori Jolley

These will be voted on by our general membership on Thursday April 26th at 6:30 PM
Our Chimney Lakes Chorus will be performing afterward.

Any questions please call the PTA at 573-1100 ext 2057

Monday, April 16, 2012

PE Play Day

PE Dr. Seuss Play Day
Friday April 27th, 2012
8:30 am- 2:15 pm

PTA is looking for volunteers to help out on this day. Coach Gordon will start set-up at 7:30 am and the event will go all day. She is even in need of clean up volunteers on Monday April 30th. Watch for the volunteer sheets to come home and give some of your time if you are able. All Day will be provided with lunch furnished by PTA.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

PTA General Meeting


Thursday April 26th
6:30 PM
Multi-Purpose Room

Come and hear our amazing school choir!